Wyndham Super Station To Fight Crime In The West

Monday 9 July 2018

The state-of-the-art Wyndham police hub is a step closer after police appointed a consultant project team to spearhead design and construction of the new facility.

The $45 million Wyndham Police Complex will be one of the largest Victoria Police facilities outside the Melbourne’s CBD, with accommodation for approximately 550 police members, support staff and partnering agency staff.

A strong consultant team, Architectus, has been appointed by Victoria Police to lead design, Meinhardt to deliver engineering services and Donald Cant Watts Corke as project managers.

The complex will replace the existing Werribee station, given the growth of numbers in frontline police and specialist officers being rolled out in the area in the next few years, following record investment into police resourcing by the Andrews Labor Government.

Detailed planning for the new station is now underway. Construction is expected to start in mid-2019 and completed by the end of 2020.

The complex is part of the broader Wyndham Justice Precinct being developed as part of the Werribee National Employment and Innovation Cluster. The Precinct, once complete, will provide integrated justice services for the Wyndham community aligning policing, court services, corrections, health, and council services.

The police station is funded through the Labor Government’s massive police station infrastructure program, which is replacing and upgrading dozens of police stations and residences across Victoria.

The Labor Government has also invested more than $2 billion to deliver 3,135 police, technology and facilities to give crime fighters the tools they need to keep Victorians safe and reduce the harm caused by crime.

This record investment has already seen 41 new police allocated to the Westgate Division, including 27 frontline police for Wyndham. A further 42 police will be on the beat in the Division, including another 12 frontline police for Wyndham and additional specialist family violence and criminal investigation officers, by June 2019.

This massive boost to police resources is already having an impact, with the crime rate in Wyndham for the year to March 2018 decreasing more than 10 per cent compared to the previous 12 months.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“Our police deserve the best facilities and we are delivering a state-of-the art police station for our officers and the residents of Wyndham.”

“The new station will be critical to support our record boost to police numbers to keep our community safe.”

Quote attributable to Member for Werribee Tim Pallas

“We’re giving our police the resources they need, and this police station – one of the biggest outside the city – will help deliver even better services for Melbourne’s west.”