Worksafe Restored Because Workplace Safety Matters

Friday 23 January 2015

The Andrews Labor Government has restored the world-renowned Worksafe name after the Liberals trashed it in a costly and failed corporate rebranding exercise.

Minister for Finance, Robin Scott, today announced that Victorian WorkCover Authority will immediately return to the WorkSafe banner.

Since it was launched in 2001, WorkSafe has made its mark through powerful awareness and advertising campaigns and the highly-visible presence of Inspectors who make over 40,000 workplace visits every year.

Even after the Liberals dumped the name on the advice of highly-paid consultants, WorkSafe remained one of the most recognised and respected brands in Victoria.

Victoria continues to have the safest workplaces of any state in Australia, with injury rates improving over the past decade to a record low of 7.37 injury claims per million hours worked in 2013/14.

Workplace injuries not only cost Victorian employers more than $1.7 billion each year, they have a major effect on the lives of injured workers, their families, friends and workmates.

WorkSafe will reduce workplace injuries through public awareness campaigns, workplace inspections and by consulting with workers and employers to identify the next set of health and safety improvements.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Finance, Robin Scott

“It made no sense to tear up the proud name of a world-renowned organisation that’s helped save so many lives.”

“Worksafe is back. Victorian workers and their families can be confident they’re in the hands of the experts they know and trust.”

“The Trades Hall Council worked hard to bring this change around. They will continue working with Worksafe to ensure safety at work for all Victorians.”