Works Start For Sunbury Recycled Water Plant Upgrade

Sunday 31 January 2016

Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville today joined Member for Sunbury Josh Bull to announce the start of a $53 million upgrade of the Sunbury Recycled Water Plant.

The upgrade will increase the volume of wastewater the plant is able to treat from 5.9 to 9.2 million litres a day, catering to high population growth expected in Sunbury and Diggers Rest.

Despite the significant increase in treatment capacity, the innovative design means the upgrade will remain within the footprint of the existing treatment plant. It will also reduce the amount of energy consumed per megalitre of effluent treated.

The upgrade will see more than 50 full and part time jobs during construction including apprentices and trainees and is scheduled to be finished in early 2018.

Recycled water produced at the plant is already used for irrigating crops and keeping sports grounds green year-round. Improvements to the treatment process will result in the plant producing higher quality recycled water, widening its potential uses, including for watering household gardens.

This will save potable water supplies and the plant upgrade will be a key element in Western Water’s Integrated Water Cycle Management plan for Sunbury, which will support the Victorian Water plan being announced later this year.

Local residents and stakeholders are closely involved in the project, via the Project Reference Group which has been set up to provide input and feedback. The project will involve the creation of new jobs in Sunbury during the plant’s construction and operation phases.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville

“The Andrews Labor Government recognises the importance of providing high-quality, safe, healthy and reliable waste water services to the community.”

 “Investing in this upgrade will ensure the Sunbury and Diggers Rest communities continue to have excellent facilities as their population grows.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Sunbury, Josh Bull

“This upgrade will provide safe and efficient sewerage services to Sunbury and Diggers Rest for years to come, while helping protect the health of Jacksons Creek.”

“We are committed to working closely with the local community during construction to ensure they are kept informed and have the opportunity to provide feedback.”