Working Together To Make Victoria A Safer Place

Monday 9 May 2016

Community organisations will partner with universities to fund community research into strengthening social cohesion and boosting community resilience.

Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott awarded seven grants between RMIT, Monash University, Deakin University, and Victoria University as part of the Andrews Labor Government’s $500,000 Social Cohesion Research Grants Program.

These partnerships will work with the community to provide evidence-based research on how to promote social cohesion within Victoria, such as:

  • the impact of negative influences online and how that might contribute to violent extremism
  • how security risks at home and abroad affect our attitude and perception towards diversity
  • how regional and suburban communities can protect vulnerable individuals or groups from becoming isolated
  • working with families whose children have joined conflicts overseas to identify triggers for extremist behaviour, and develop preventative measures that can be used by families in similar situations

Grant recipients will have 12 months to complete their research, which will also contribute to the ongoing implementation of the Strategic Framework to Strengthen Victoria’s Social Cohesion and the Resilience of its Communities.

Further information on the grants can be found at:

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott

“Diversity is our greatest strength and we need to do all we can to foster it.” 

“By listening to local communities and encouraging universities to work with them, we can find the best ways to help protect our youth from danger and build their resilience.”

Quotes attributable to Deputy Premier and Taskforce Chair James Merlino

“The Andrews Labor Government recognises the role of communities in building social cohesion, which is why we need a collaborative approach.”