Work Almost Done On Warrnambool CBD Upgrade

Thursday 16 August 2018

Warrnambool businesses are set to thrive and grow with works almost complete on the CBD revitalisation project.

Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford was in Warrnambool today to inspect the near complete second stage of the project, which will support up to 260 retail, hospitality, tourism and business services jobs.

The Andrews Labor Government backed the project with $5 million which will have huge benefits for businesses, shoppers and locals who use Liebig Street, which has been redeveloped as part of the project.

The total $15 million project delivered by Warrnambool City Council involves a range of streetscaping improvements that better cater for the needs of existing and potential businesses.

Prior to the works, Warrnambool’s main street was not pedestrian-friendly, with vehicles given priority. This limited on-street trading opportunities for many retail and hospitality businesses, especially during tourist season.

The project is creating new spaces for street trading by widening footpaths, narrowing the road in parts to better manage the flow of traffic, landscaping, roundabout upgrades and installation of street furniture to encourage visitors to spend more time in the precinct

Street surfaces are being improved along with footpaths, pedestrian crossings, plantings and new public art.

The significant works have supported more than 390 jobs during construction, and it is expected that the project will attract private investment of an estimated $38.5 million through new retail and trading opportunities.

Warrnambool’s population is growing rapidly and the city currently attracts over 700,000 visitors every year, drawn to the region’s unique coastal and cultural offerings.

The Labor Government is supporting Warrnambool City Council to deliver the project in partnership with the local community, whose input and recommendations have helped drive the process.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“Warrnambool businesses are looking at a bright future with the CBD upgrade set to attract more people into town to shop, dine and catch up with friends and importantly, spend locally.”  

“The result will be a city centre that is vibrant, attractive, more pedestrian and cycle-friendly and accessible to all.”

“This is such fantastic news for locals and visitors, and will deliver the modern and accessible CBD Warrnambool locals deserve.”