A Welcoming And Harmonious Victoria

Tuesday 5 May 2015

The Andrews Labor Government is investing $74 million to bolster multicultural affairs and social cohesion as well as ensuring Victorians of all backgrounds feel at home.

Victoria leads Australia in multicultural affairs and social cohesion. We embrace, respect and celebrate our diversity, because it makes our society and economy stronger. Our openness and diversity attracts people to live, work, visit and study here.

Social cohesion depends on a strong sense of belonging and acceptance. The Labor Government will fund community initiatives that foster inclusion, participation and equality of opportunity.

The 2015-16 Victorian Budget will provide $21 million over four years to promote social cohesion and community harmony. The dedicated organisations that sustain our diversity and cohesion must be commended and supported.

The Budget includes funding for the Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria, a Vietnamese Dual Identity Leadership Program and the Australian Greek Welfare Society to assist migrant families across our state.

$13.2 million is provided to enhance community capacity and participation for people of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, with specific initiatives to support newly arrived migrants and refugees as well as seniors, women and young people.

The Budget also includes $2 million for the Multicultural Access Program which assists people from a culturally diverse background to access services like Home and Community Care.

Community centres and cultural precincts are the bustling social and economic hubs of our diversity. The Budget provides $11 million over four years to maintain or build community infrastructure and to enhance cultural precincts including establishing Victoria’s first Indian precinct.

Addressing family violence has been a key priority for the Andrews Labor Government. A commitment of $2 million over two years has been made to support women and children from culturally and linguistically diverse communities who are victims or vulnerable to family violence.

The Labor Government will provide an additional $25 million to reinforce Victoria’s social cohesion and community resilience and to prevent radicalisation and extremism. This is an important step in keeping Victorian families safe and, in particular, supporting vulnerable members in our community from getting in harm’s way.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Robin Scott

“Families of all backgrounds deserve to feel at home in our state. People of all cultures deserve the opportunity to thrive.”

“Diversity is our asset, and we’re working with multicultural communities to make our society and our economy stronger.”