Visit To Drive Investment In Victorian Health Research

Monday 12 March 2018

A visit to the United States will strengthen international ties between Victoria and some of the world’s leading health and medical institutions, delivering better health outcomes and driving investment at home.

Minister for Health Jill Hennessy will lead the delegation, showcasing Victoria’s expertise and innovation in world class healthcare and ground breaking medical research that is saving lives.

The delegation will focus on strengthening Victorian ties with leading US hospitals, biotech companies and research institutes in Boston, New York and Seattle, by building on our longstanding partnerships between the two countries and creating new partnerships for the future.

During this visit, Ms Hennessy will meet with key researchers and doctors at Boston Children’s Hospital, the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre and the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.

In Portland, the Oregon Hospice Association and Oregon Health Authority will share their experiences in the delivery of their voluntary assisted dying framework over the past 20 years.

Our meetings with US biotech and pharmaceutical companies will help build stronger ties with these companies and investors, to help drive investment in our economy and create local jobs.

The Washington Global Health Alliance will host a malaria roundtable where Victoria will showcase our pioneering work in eradicating the deadly infectious disease and saving lives across the globe, and promote the first Malaria World Congress to be held in Melbourne in July 2018.

The Andrews Labor Government’s International Health Strategy 2016-2020: Partnering for a healthy and prosperous future outlines our vision to grow Victoria’s international engagement in health, health education, aged care, and health and medical research for the benefit of all Victorians.

The healthcare sector contributes more than $30 billion to the Victorian economy a year and employs more than 130,000 Victorians.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

“Victoria is home to some of the world’s very best health and medical researchers. This visit is about promoting our achievements, and growing investment in Victoria’s healthcare and medical research sectors.”

By sharing knowledge and world’s best practice in healthcare and research, Victorian patients will have better access to the very best quality care and cutting-edge treatments – meaning better health outcomes.”

“For our world-renowned researchers, closer ties with other countries mean more opportunities to partner with the best in the world and collaborate on medical breakthroughs that will change lives here and abroad.”