Victorians Urged To Share The Road And Travel Happy

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Victorian road users are being urged to respect each other as part of a new awareness campaign aimed at improving behaviour on the roads.

Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Luke Donnellan, today launched the ‘Travel Happy’ – Share the Road campaign. The campaign will focus on the impact that mood and driver behaviour can have on road safety.

All Victorian road users, regardless of their mode of transport, have a responsibility to make safe choices while on the road, and the Share the Road campaign will help to highlight behaviour change.

Everyone gets impatient and frustrated but it’s up to all road users to stop unsafe behaviour.

The campaign will see a number of road safety partners work together to actively change the culture that exists where deaths or serious injury is the price people pay to use the roads.

A recent survey of 1,000 road users undertaken by VicRoads found that:

  • 70 per cent say the behaviour of others on the road impacts their mood
  • 46 per cent of frustrated or angry road users attribute their frustration to other road users
  • Only 47 per cent of road users feel happy on their daily commute

The campaign will start with a series of community-based events, and will be supported by an advertising campaign featuring road safety ambassadors including Mick Malthouse, Matt Keenan, Charlie Farren and Paul Mercurio.

A dedicated ‘Travel Happy’ website can be found at

The three year campaign will be rolled out in four phases with each targeting individual road user groups.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Luke Donnellan

“More than five million Victorians use our roads every day, and we want to make sure they are doing so in the safest environment possible.”

“All road users, regardless of their mode of transport, will benefit by being aware of their behaviour on the road.”

“Road safety is everyone’s responsibility, and we want all road users to share the road and be mindful of others.”