Victorian First Support For Women With Endometriosis

Wednesday 16 November 2016

More than 200,000 women across Victoria suffering from endometriosis can now access the support they need to get diagnosed sooner and better treat and manage their condition, thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Health Jill Hennessy today launched Victoria’s first endometriosis resources, produced by Jean Hailes for Women’s Health and made possible by a $100,000 grant from the Labor Government.

Endometriosis is a serious and painful medical condition more common than breast or cervical cancer, yet it is still not widely understood and many women endure years of suffering before being diagnosed.

Diagnosis requires a specialised procedure, and many women with the condition face an average delay of almost seven years from onset to diagnosis, with more than 8 years for surgical diagnosis.

Early referral, diagnosis and treatment is critical in managing the pain and limiting the impact on women’s fertility, quality of life, mental health, career and interaction with friends and family.

The new resources are based on the latest scientific evidence, and help women better understand their symptoms, get diagnosed sooner and better manage their condition. There are three resources in total, including:

  • A pre-diagnosis brochure for younger women called My period, what’s normal?
  • A simple one-page Pain & symptom diary that women can use to record their cycles
  • A post-diagnosis brochure called Understanding Endometriosis
  • A tool for practitioners to support the assessment, investigation and management of endometriosis

Jean Hailes for Women’s Health is a national not-for-profit organisation based in Victoria providing women with information, support and clinical care. The resources can be accessed online at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

“Women with endometriosis often suffer in silence, both through physical pain and emotional distress, unable to receive the medical and social support they need.”

“By investing in these Victorian first resources we’re putting the health, fertility and well-being of Victorian women first so they can get on with spending time with their family, friends and work colleagues.”

Quote attributable to Jean Hailes for Women’s Health Medical Director Dr Elizabeth Farrell

“Painful periods are not normal, yet teenagers and women might suffer in silence for years. This delay can mean their symptoms get worse over time, with major impacts on their quality of life.”

Quote attributable to Jean Hailes for Women’s Health Executive Director Janet Michelmore AO

“These resources are an important tool in giving women and their health professionals better signposts towards early diagnosis and appropriate management of this all too often debilitating condition.”