Victoria Puts RET Back On The Agenda To Secure Jobs

Thursday 14 May 2015

The Andrews Labor Government has today called on the Federal Government to remove section 7c from the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 (Cth), which prevents State Governments from having their own schemes similar to the Renewable Energy Target (RET).

If Section 7c is removed, the Labor Government is committed to reinstating the Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET) scheme to top up the national RET.

The Labor Government is deeply disappointed with the Abbott Government’s announcement last week that the RET will be scaled back to 33,000 gigawatt hours by 2020.

The scaling back of the RET will reduce the number of major renewable energy projects built in Victoria, costing us jobs and growth.

The clean energy industry in Victoria supports over 4000 jobs, and many companies that currently supply the automotive industry are looking at renewable energy projects as a lifeline for their business.

If the barrier to restarting the VRET is removed by the Commonwealth, major investments could proceed in places like Ballarat, Ararat, Warnambool and Port Fairy.

Victoria agreed to remove its renewables target in 2009 as part of a deal for a 41,000GWh national target.

The Labor Government has previously said that the Federal Government should either deliver on the deal or remove restrictions on state-based schemes.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Lily D’Ambrosio

“The Federal Government must move out of Victoria’s way and change the law. Our state needs a proper renewable energy target, to support the industry and reduce pollution.”

“Victoria will lead the way on renewable energy, which creates jobs, drives growth and protects our lifestyle and environment.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Climate Change, Lisa Neville

“We’ve restarted the wind farm industry and we’re committed to once again being a leader on tackling climate change.”

“We’re making sure Victoria has a plan to preserve our environment.”