Victim Survivors' Advisory Council New Members

Thursday 6 October 2022

The Andrews Labor Government is continuing to put the lived experiences of victim survivors of family violence at the forefront of nation-leading reforms, policy and service delivery.

Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Ros Spence today met the newly appointed Victim Survivors’ Advisory Council (VSAC) for 2022-23.

VSAC was established following the Royal Commission into Family Violence to bring the voices of those with lived experience of family violence to the heart of our reforms.

The council includes people of different ages, genders and demographics and representatives of communities across Victoria with lived experience of family violence.

VSAC is chaired by Kym Valentine, who follows previous chairs Rosie Batty AO and Jennifer Jackson.

The council has contributed to Victoria’s nation-leading family violence reforms, including the design and implementation of The Orange Door Network and the development of a lived experience strategy.

The strategy builds on the knowledge and insights from VSAC to ensure lived experience is embedded in Victoria’s family violence reforms.

Council members provide critical advice, insight and a voice to the lived experience of family violence. This work ensures that legislative change, policies, services and prevention campaigns are shaped by their experiences to better respond to and prevent family violence.

Quotes attributable to Minster for Prevention of Family Violence Ros Spence

“Listening to the voices of lived experience is critical to ensuring laws, services and systems are responsive to the needs of those who rely on them.

“Council members are deeply invested in the work of family violence reform. The leadership of the Victim Survivors’ Advisory Council will leave a legacy that will contribute to a Victoria that is free from Violence.”

Quotes attributable to Victim Survivor Advisory Council Chair Kym Valentine

“Being part of VSAC for the past two years has been one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. I am so excited to be involved in a leadership role to continue to create positive change in the family violence system.

“The voice of lived experience is getting louder and I’m beyond honoured to be able to elevate these voices.”

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