- Published:
- Friday 17 September 2021
The Victorian Government is inviting suitably qualified parties to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to be a joint venture partner to support the delivery of VicRoads’ Registration and Licensing (R&L) and Custom Plates services.
The R&L business maintains registers of more than six million registered operators and five million driver licence holders, including learner permit holders and boat licence holders, registered operators of motorcycles and heavy vehicles in Victoria. R&L also plays an integral role in supporting access to the network and most importantly, regulating safer drivers and vehicles.
The Custom Plates business offers the public the opportunity to select the colour, size, design and shape of number plates and buy the individual display rights to a registration number.
The Government is seeking an established, mature and trusted partner for this exciting opportunity to modernise a number of VicRoads services to make them more user-friendly for motorists and deliver value for money for all Victorians.
Leading up to this major milestone, VicRoads and Department of Transport employees and their representatives, stakeholders and industry partners have been actively engaged on the proposed joint venture and will continue to be engaged at every stage of the development.
The Government can also confirm that all employees involved in the delivery of R&L and Custom Plate services will be offered a position with the joint venture partner or the Department of Transport on terms and conditions that are no less favourable.
The Government, together with the Australian Services Union and the Community and Public Sector Union have reached an agreement on the key terms and conditions which will support current employees. Following this agreement, formal consultation will commence on the proposed operating model and staff matching process.
The joint venture model will ensure the Government keeps responsibility for key regulatory and policy functions, retains ownership and regulation of data, and will continue control of pricing, privacy, road access and safety.
The joint venture partner would operate the relevant functions of R&L, while modernising the IT system, promoting innovation, and enhancing customer experience through increased investment.
Further information about the submission process can be found at dtf.vic.gov.au/vicroads-modernisation
Quotes attributable to Treasurer Tim Pallas
“All Victorians benefit from the hard work performed by VicRoads workers and at every step, we’ll ensure these employees’ rights and entitlements are protected and jobs remain secure.”
“This is new ground for a motor registry and I’m excited to see what the private sector can bring to this partnership, in the best interests of the employees and the community.”
Quote attributable to Minister for Roads and Road Safety Ben Carroll
“We’re keeping Government in the driver’s seat on key functions such as road safety, privacy, and rego prices.”