Training Market Report Shows Growth In Apprenticeships

Monday 9 May 2016

The Andrews Labor Government is building a quality, relevant vocational training system that provides people with the skills they need for the jobs they want.

The Training Market Report 2015 released today shows the first signs that students and industry are returning to our training market and that training in Victoria is stabilising after years of crisis.

We are transforming TAFE, ensuring training is of the highest quality and making the training Victorians receive leads to real jobs.

The report shows:

The overall decline in Victorian Government funded training, which began in 2012, has continued in 2015. In 2015, there were 377,831 students enrolled in government-subsidised training in Victoria, compared with 443,687 in 2014.

The decline in number of Victorians in training is due to the nationwide crisis of confidence in vocational education and training, attributed to the previous State and Federal Liberal Government cuts – as well as the multi-billion dollar VET-FEE Help debacle which saw Victorian enrolments outside the state system explode last year.

The report can be found here in a new window)

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert

“The Andrews Labor Government inherited a training system in crisis. Over the past year, we have begun the process of rebuilding TAFEs, invest in apprenticeships and boost quality in the system.”

 “The record jobs and infrastructure spending in the Victorian Budget 2016/17 will provide a huge boost to demand for new apprentices and trainees, and builds on our investment in TAFEs in last year’s budget.”