Town Jetty Unveiled At Portland Foreshore

Tuesday 14 December 2021

The Andrews Labor Government is transforming the Portland foreshore into a vibrant and accessible space for locals and visitors, boosting tourism to the region.

Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Victoria Danielle Green today officially opened the new Town Jetty and extension to the Portland Bay Marina, which forms part of a multi-million-dollar investment into the Portland Foreshore Redevelopment.

The Labor Government invested $9.8 million to deliver the project through the Building Works Package and Regional Infrastructure Fund, as part of the Portland Foreshore Masterplan.

The restoration of the 178-metre Portland Town Jetty is already proving popular with locals and visitors, with access for all abilities, designated recreational fishing pontoons and seating.

The masterplan also features the extension of the Bay Marina, which now has 34 new dedicated berths.  This will ensure future growth of boating and recreational fishing in Portland – helping to support local jobs.

The project is being delivered in stages and will also include a multipurpose community and club facility, with ocean-facing balconies for events and functions. Up to 75 jobs will be created to build the facility – which will include hospitality and retail spaces – and it will also inject an extra $18.8 million into the region’s economy.

As part of the Portland Foreshore Masterplan, the Trawler Wharf has also been upgraded thanks to $1.3 million from the Building Works Package.  The works included a new purpose-built pontoon and walkway extension, increasing space for more commercial fishing vessels.

The Portland foreshore redevelopment has been supported by funding from the Regional Infrastructure Fund as part of the Government’s flagship $156 million Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund, helping businesses create more jobs in regional Victoria.

It has also been backed by funding through the Building Works Package as part of the Victorian Government’s almost $30 billion investment in regional and rural Victoria since 2015. Find out more at

Quote attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Victoria Danielle Green

“The revitalisation of the Portland foreshore is delivering jobs now and will support local businesses into the future by becoming a major tourism drawcard for this seaside city.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Ports and Freight Melissa Horne

The completion of these vital works is welcome news for local community and Portland’s commercial fishing industry. The work to expand the pontoon at Portland Trawler Wharf has significantly increased capacity at one of Victoria’s busiest commercial fishing hubs and continues to support local jobs.”

Quote attributable to Glenelg Shire Council Mayor Cr Anita Rank

“The new Town Jetty is one of the most anticipated projects in the past decade for both Council and the community. Families can fish in the heart of the township, or simply sit and enjoy the stunning harbour views that Portland is renowned for.”

Quote attributable to Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney

“This is an exciting project that will drive jobs and growth into this beautiful part of our state. We know that locals and visitors alike will enjoy the new facilities especially heading into the summer season.”

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