Tourists Urged To Enjoy The Murray This Easter

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Minster for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville today assured holiday-makers they can enjoy the beautiful Murray River and its surrounds this Easter, despite the on-going presence of blue green algae in the River.

High levels of blue green algae are present along the Murray from Lake Hume to Murrabit and Racecourse Lake which is part of the Kerang Lakes.

All drinking water in towns along the Murray River is safe to drink as treated drinking water supplies are not affected by blue green algae however people should avoid direct contact with the water in these affected areas.

While people should avoid all direct contact with the water and not swim, boating is one of the many activities that can be still be enjoyed along the Murray; including bushwalking, camping, hiking, golf, events and wonderful food and wine experiences.

Water authorities and the relevant state agencies will continue to monitor algae levels over Easter and will issue any new warnings as required. The algal bloom is a naturally occurring event which is influenced by nutrient levels in the water, river flows and dry and hot conditions.

Cooler conditions are forecast over the Easter period. Many events will continue as planned along the Murray including ski racing in Mildura – which is not affected by the algal outbreak.

Water authorities and other state government agencies are working with affected rural communities and farmers to provide information and advice about the best ways to deal with the impact of the algal bloom.

For current warnings and information visit

In some smaller communities lacking full treatment facilities alternative arrangements for potable water are in place. If people come in contact with algae affected water it should be washed off immediately with cold, clean water.

Fish caught in affected areas should be rinsed in fresh water and only the flesh eaten. Do not eat mussels, crayfish or yabbies.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville

“Tourism is important to communities along the Murray River, many of whom may also be affected by the dry conditions impacting on farmers – so I’d urge Victorians to visit these areas and support the local economies of the region.”

“There are many activities that people can still undertake along the river and its surrounds and as along as direct contact with affected water is avoided, visitors will still enjoy a great holiday on the mighty Murray.”

Quotes attributable to the Emergency Management Commissioner Craig Lapsley

“Water authorities continue to actively monitor and test sites along the Murray River to identify, as early as possible, any changes to the algal bloom so that we can keep communities and visitors informed.”