Tougher Penalties To Keep Victorians Safe On Our Roads

Thursday 2 November 2017

The Andrews Labor Government has announced a comprehensive package of driver safety reforms to toughen penalties for dangerous drivers and keep Victorians safe on our roads.

Under the proposed changes, full licence holders detected with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.05-0.069 will face licence cancellation and disqualification for three months for a first offence.

Drivers over 0.05 will be required to have an alcohol interlock fitted to their vehicle for six months and all drink-drivers will have to complete a new behaviour change program before being relicensed.

Lower level drink-driving is a serious road safety issue and its effects are clear – drink drivers are twice as likely to be involved in a crash.

Up to 3,000 full licence holders are caught drink-driving between 0.05 and 0.07 BAC each year.

Last year drink-driving contributed to 23 per cent of road deaths.

Research shows that licence disqualifications can cut instances of repeat drink-driving by 70 per cent and reduce crashes by 79 per cent. Installing alcohol interlocks slashes repeat drink-driving by 63 per cent.

Expanding mandatory licence bans and alcohol interlocks to all drink-drivers ensures Victoria continues to lead the nation in stamping out this dangerous behaviour on our roads.

As part of a package of reforms introduced to the parliament this week, Victoria Police will be given greater ability to immediately impound vehicles for a range of dangerous driving behaviours.

There are also tougher penalties for excessive speeding, unlicensed driving and employing an unlicensed driver in a driving role.

New tools will allow Victoria Police to stop vehicles in their tracks. Changes to the Road Safety Act 1986 will allow police to use a range of new devices in pursuits.

License disqualifications will also be doubled from three to six months for those caught driving under the influence of drugs. Court penalties and penalties for repeat offences also double.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan

“We make no apologies for toughening penalties for drink-drivers who continue to put the lives of Victorians at risk with their dangerous behaviour.”

“Drink-driving at any level is incredibly dangerous – even at 0.05, drink-drivers double their chances of crashing, risking not only their lives but the lives of others.”