Time For Talk On Convention Centre Is Over

Friday 11 May 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is ready and waiting to get started on the Geelong Convention Centre, as part of a City Deal for Geelong and the Shipwreck Coast.

Premier Daniel Andrews today joined Member for Geelong Christine Couzens at Deakin University – next to the proposed site for the Convention Centre – to make clear that the time for talking about this vital project is over.

The Andrews Labor Government last week allocated its $153.2 million share of the City Deal in the Victoria Budget 2018/19, but the Commonwealth Government failed to put in matching funding in this week’s federal budget.

The historic deal is set to deliver the long-awaited Geelong Convention Centre, significant investment in the Shipwreck Coast Master Plan and revitalise the city’s CBD – injecting an extra $1.1 billion into the economy and delivering nearly 1,000 Victorian jobs every year.

Given that the Federal Budget failed to deliver a single cent for the landmark deal, it’s put a handbrake on the projects — and the jobs and economic activity they would have brought to the region.

This snub comes just months after the Turnbull Government sent the billion-dollar LAND 400 defence contract to Queensland.

The Labor Government will continue to fight for a full City Deal for Geelong and the Shipwreck Coast.

Quote attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“The time for talking about the Geelong Convention Centre is over, we want to get it done and create all the jobs and opportunities this City Deal delivers.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Geelong Christine Couzens

“Sarah Henderson and her sidekick Andrew Katos are simply not delivering for Geelong – they are out of excuses.”

“The Liberals are quite happy to fund City deals in Tasmania and Sydney, but not here in Geelong.”