Supporting Victorian Young People Leaving Care

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Young Victorians leaving out-of-home care will have more support as they transition into adulthood.

During a visit to Gippsland today, Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos announced $2.9 million in funding for two new innovative programs:

  • Better Futures, a support service for young people leaving out-of-home care
  • Mentoring, Learning and Support, a model for young people transitioning from residential care.

The funding includes $1.6 million for Better Futures which will be delivered by Quantum Support Services, MOIRA and Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency in the Gippsland, Southern Melbourne and Bayside Peninsula areas.

The funding will assist 100 young people, including 20 from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background.

Better Futures proactively engages with young people as they are about to turn 16. The service connects them with a support worker who’ll assist them as they transition from out-of-home care into adulthood up until the age of 21.

Anglicare Victoria in partnership with Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency has received $1.3 million to roll-out the Mentoring, Learning and Support program.

Ten young people turning 16 years of age will be supported and mentored across inner Gippsland, the Bayside Peninsula and Southern Melbourne.

The support will include a comprehensive learning and guidance model provided over a two-year period to stabilise and develop the necessary life skills for effective independence.

Better Futures and Mentoring, Learning and Support are two of nine innovative programs being tested in Victoria thanks to the government’s $168 million Roadmap for Reform.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“It’s so important that young people have access to tailored services and support to help them successfully transition to independence after leaving out-of-home care.”

“This funding will help vulnerable young people to transition from out-of-home care and provide ongoing support once they are in the community.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Eastern Victoria Harriet Shing

“Leaving home is often a daunting experience for anyone, and this includes young people leaving out-of-home care.”

“We’re making sure that young Gippslanders who are moving from out-of-home care towards independent living get the support they need during this time.”