Summit To Unite Adult And Community Education

Wednesday 7 August 2019

The Adult and Community Education sector has been brought together for the first time, as the Andrews Labor Government works on a Ministerial Statement to better support this crucial part of our training sector.

Minister for Training and Skills and Higher Education, Gayle Tierney, today opened the Adult and Community Education Summit bringing together this diverse sector that plays a unique and crucial role in giving adult learners the training and skills needed to secure employment and participate in the community.

As part of ACE Summit, the Labor Government is seeking their input into a Ministerial Statement on the role of adult community-based vocational education and training in the post-secondary education system. This is the first time that a Ministerial Statement will have been released since 2004.

The Summit will also focus on identifying ways the sector can adapt to meet the needs of learners engaged in training and employment programs; and foster collaboration within the sector and across the broader post-secondary education system.

The Summit will consider the views of industry and employers on the kind of skills and training they look for when taking on employees, so that the adult and community education sector can provide the best education to make their students job-ready.

The Labor Government is delivering on its promise to support adult education and community focused education programs, to deliver the very best education outcomes for students right across Victoria.

Since we were elected, we have invested record funding to Adult and Community Education, which includes $5 million in 2018 for initiatives to boost literacy, numeracy and language training for Victorians.

In 2016, we raised for the first time in 7 years the subsidy rate for pre-accredited training delivered by Learn Locals – and have raised this twice since coming to office. This has delivered a 27 per cent increase for providers.

As part of a $2.6 million investment, we have also introduced regional delivery loading to rural and regional Learn Locals, acknowledging the additional costs associated with providing training in these communities.

Quotes Attributable to Minister for Training and Skills and Higher Education Gayle Tierney

“Unlike the Coalition, who completely neglected Adult and Community Education while they were in Government, we are listening to the sector to build a framework for the future.”

“The ACE Summit is another example of the work we’re doing to support the adult and community-focused education sector to support the training needs of students and industry – and deliver jobs for Victorians.”

Quote Attributable to Adult and Community Further Education Board Chairperson Maria Peters

It’s great to see so many members of the adult and community education sector come together, as we focus on ways to deliver the very best outcomes for adult learners across Victoria.”