Summit Explores The Use Of Games In Education

Friday 27 October 2017

Victoria’s early childhood, primary and secondary teachers are set to learn about how videogames can help kids develop a passion for digital technologies.

Parliamentary Secretary for Education Judith Graley will today open the 2017 Education in Games Summit, which is part of Melbourne International Games Week.

The Education in Games Summit involves teachers, games developers and academics sharing ideas about techniques to integrate digital technologies into the state’s curriculum.

During a series of panels and workshops experts will discuss how games play a key role in Victoria’s pre-school, primary and secondary curriculum including STEM, digital technologies and coding, art and design.

The 2017 Education in Games Summit is also hosting the Victorian Games and Apps Challenge (VGAC), a state-wide competition for students to create their own game or app.

Last year, Premier Daniel Andrews visited the Microsoft offices in Seattle to discuss potential partnerships with Victoria around education, business and economic development opportunities.

From these discussions the Department of Education and Training and Microsoft developed the Victorian Schools Games and Apps Challenge for students.

Finalists will present their pitches to a judging panel, including Microsoft representatives, and the winners of the challenge will be announced later in the day.

The winner of last year’s challenge, Jason Rising from Braemar College in Woodend, will be presenting the awards. Jason has just completed and released his game to the public, which explores the life of young people who experience anxiety.

He believes his game will build empathy and understanding in players.

Quotes attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for Education Judith Graley

“This event is a great way for games experts to connect with teachers and help them in running a 21st century classroom.”

“It supports and enriches delivery of the Digital Technologies curriculum in Victorian classrooms.”