Students And Employers Get Their Say On Training

Monday 9 April 2018

Victorian students and employers will get the opportunity to rate their vocational education and training experiences in two of the largest surveys of their kind.

Around 200,000 Victorians who undertook VET training in 2017 are being given the opportunity to provide their feedback and around 30,000 employers of apprentices and trainees will be asked about their experiences with Victoria’s TAFE and training system.

Through Skills First, the Andrews Labor Government is working with students, industry and employers to reform the training system to ensure students gain the skills they need to get a job.

Feedback from both surveys will provide crucial insights to continuously improve the quality of the training and TAFE system and respond to changes and demands for workforce skills.

The 2018 Student Survey will be open between 14 March and 11 May to students who completed or exited their course in 2017. Students will receive information in the mail and can respond to the survey online, by SMS or mail.

The 2018 Employer Survey is open between 21 March and 18 May to employers of apprentices and trainees who were involved in VET training last year. Employers will receive information in the mail and can respond to the survey online or by mail.

The annual Student Satisfaction Survey is based on national outcome performance indicators for training quality and employment outcome measures for the training and TAFE system.

Results from the survey form a key component of the evidence-base used to manage the government subsidised market, weed out training providers not meeting the quality threshold and deliver insight into the quality and outcomes from training at the individual provider level.

The 2017 survey found 77 percent of students were satisfied with the quality of their training, while 73 percent said they achieved their main reason for training and 74 percent of students could recommend their provider to others.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney

“We have made the reforms necessary to support Victoria’s training and TAFE system to deliver qualifications that lead to real jobs – this survey is a crucial way to ensure we’re on the right track.”

“Last year’s results show Victoria is leading the nation in its commitment to quality training and that Skills First is supporting better quality providers and better outcomes for students and industry.”