Strengthening WorkSafe To Better Protect Victorians

Monday 18 December 2017

The Andrews Labor Government will strengthen WorkSafe’s role as the workplace safety cop on the beat, following an independent review into the enforcement of Victoria’s health and safety laws.

Minister for Finance Robin Scott today announced the Labor Government would accept every recommendation of the Independent Review of Occupational Health and Safety Compliance and Enforcement in Victoria.

The review was a Labor Government election commitment and made 22 recommendations – all of which the Government supports in principle.

Implementing the recommendations will complement the work already done on WorkSafe’s Strategy 2030, which aims to create safer and healthier Victorian workplaces by transforming WorkSafe into a streamlined service delivery organisation.

A key element will be the incorporation of innovative and modern technology.

To view the report, visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Finance Robin Scott

“I’m proud to deliver on this election commitment and maintain Victoria’s high standards of workplace health and safety.”

“Keeping people safe at work is our priority, because all Victorians deserve to come home from work each day, safe and sound.”

“This review will help WorkSafe’s role as it continues to develop Strategy 2030 – a plan which will ensure Victoria’s approach to occupational health and safety meets community expectations into the future.”