Strengthening Victoria’s Private Security Services

Wednesday 15 December 2021

Community safety and fairer conditions for workers are at the forefront of the Andrews Labor Government’s review of the private security industry.

The review – released today – proposes significant changes across the industry, including establishing an enforceable code of conduct, increasing the quality and monitoring of training, streamlining licensing requirements and establishing a complaints website and phone line.

The Government will implement all 21 recommendations in the review over the next three years.

Implementation of the recommendations will require legislative change, operational change, and enhanced enforcement.

A key recommendation will see Victoria Police improving information sharing with relevant agencies to enhance and coordinate enforcement and oversight activities more efficiently.

The review also recommends putting strict controls in place to prevent employers dodging workplace responsibilities through subcontracting and sham contracting to avoid paying their workers properly.

Given the concerns raised in the review that sub-contracting can lead to underpayment of wages and exploitation of workers, the Government will work with industry and unions to reduce the incidence of subcontracting in state procured security services over time.

The review was conducted in consultation with the Victorian Security Industry Advisory Committee (VSIAC), Victoria Police, Industrial Relations Victoria and relevant unions, who will continue to play a vital role throughout the implementation of the review’s recommendations.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“This important review gives us a roadmap to raise industry standards, improve safety of employees and the community and ensure workers are paid properly and fairly.”

“We’ll be delivering significant changes to improve the private security industry – including introducing a code of conduct and complaints system, monitoring training standards and streamlining licencing requirements.”

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