Strengthening Stawell Gold Mine

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Stawell gold mine will be issued with four compliance notices in response to an independent environmental audit of the mine’s operations.

Minister for Energy and Resources Lily D’Ambrosio and report author Dr Peter Beck today met mine operators, local council and community members in Stawell to discuss the report.

The Technical Review of Environmental Performance for the Stawell Gold Mine report found the mine operations are compliant with Victoria’s mining licensing requirements and regulatory standards, but recommended improvements to environmental monitoring and practice.

The report did not find evidence of any risks to the community’s health or safety.

In response to the report recommendations, Earth Resources Regulation – the mining regulator – will issue the company with four compliance notices under Section 110 of the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 over its tailings storage facility, blasting, air quality and Environmental Management Plan.

Earth Resources Regulation will hold further meetings with the community, the council and the mine owner to follow up on the report recommendations.

Dr Beck has more than 27 years’ experience in environmental science and geotechnical engineering as a consultant and academic.

His appointment to review operations of the Stawell gold mine was endorsed by both the community group, ‘Friends of Big Hill’ and the mine owner, Newmarket Gold.

His report is available at: in a new window)

The release of the report follows on from an independent community engagement report, Stawell Gold Mine Community Concerns Review, which was released last year.

The Andrews Labor Government wants to grow the resources industry to create new jobs and is working to give both the community and industry confidence in the way mines are operated and regulated in Victoria.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy and Resources Lily D’Ambrosio

“To grow Victoria’s resources industry and create new jobs, both the community and industry need to have confidence and certainty about the way mines are operated and regulated.”

“While there’s no evidence the community’s health or safety is at risk, it’s clear the mine can improve its environmental monitoring and practices – so we expect they’ll take these compliance notices extremely seriously.”