Strengthening Parole To Keep Police Killers In Prison

Monday 23 July 2018

The Andrews Labor Government will today introduce legislation to ensure Russell Street bomber Craig Minogue never gets out of prison.

The amendments to the Corrections Act 1986 will name Craig Minogue and strengthen the legislation to ensure any other future or current offenders who kill police officers are not released on parole.

This ensures the intent of the parliament, and the intent of the Labor Government’s original amendments, are upheld.

Under the changes, the Adult Parole Board will decide whether a prisoner knew, or was reckless as to whether, the deceased victim was a police officer.

It ensures that the board can use a broader range of materials to determine the prisoner’s state of mind, rather than just the sentencing remarks.

This includes evidence led in the trial, the judgement of the court, sentencing remarks, any reasons in connection with the court fixing a non-parole period, and any judgement on appeal.

The Bill also states that when assessing if the prisoner was reckless as to whether the victim was a police officer, the board needs to be satisfied that the prisoner knew that it was probable that a police officer would be killed or seriously injured as a result of his or her conduct.

The Adult Parole Board’s absolute priority remains the safety and protection of the community in these, as in all other, parole decisions.

This Bill sends a clear message that the murder of a police officer, someone who serves and protects our community and risks their life to do so, is the most serious example of the most serious crime.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Corrections Gayle Tierney

“This legislation names Craig Minogue to make sure he remains behind bars – upholding the intent of the parliament and ensuring our laws reflect community expectations.”

“Victorians can have complete certainty that Minogue, or any other person who murders a police officer is locked behind bars and fully serves their prison sentence.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“Our police work tirelessly to keep the community safe – this legislation puts beyond any doubt that if you kill a police officer in this state, you will not get parole.”

“While it will never bring Angela Taylor back, this legislation will provide some relief to her family that the person who killed their daughter will never receive parole.”