Step Into The World Of The Elusive Platypus At Healesville

Saturday 21 May 2022

The Andrews Labor Government is protecting and promoting our vulnerable wildlife and giving Victorians opportunities to connect to our unique native species.

Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio has unveiled a new Platypus Discovery experience at Healesville Sanctuary, where visitors can step into the world of the elusive Platypus.

The new attraction, which opens to the public tomorrow, allows visitors to wade into the mysterious monotreme’s habitat with a Platypus expert, sitting together on the riverbank and offering a sprinkle of food to see if the animal chooses to explore around them.

Providing world-exclusive insights into the life of the vulnerable species, the Platypus will have complete choice and control throughout the experience. The habitat will be cool and dimly lit to suit the mostly nocturnal animals.

The Platypus Discovery experience takes place within Healesville Sanctuary’s ‘World of Platypus’ facility, which is to be transformed into a $5 million Australian Platypus Conservation Centre thanks to funding announced by the Labor Government earlier this year.

The Centre will be used by world-leading Platypus researchers to conduct biological and behavioural research, helping Australia-wide conservation efforts. It will enhance capacity to treat and care for wild Platypus affected by extreme weather emergencies.

The Government has also provided $300,000 to support key Platypus habitat site restoration works and long-term planning to ensure the unique animal has a healthy future. Platypus are considered vulnerable in Victoria and near threatened Australia-wide.

The Healesville Sanctuary Platypus Discovery is made possible in partnership with Melbourne Water.

The Government is investing over $560 million in safeguarding Victoria’s previous biodiversity, more than any other Victorian Government.

The Platypus Discovery opens today and is available to book now, visit:

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

“We’ve making record investments into protecting our precious biodiversity because we know Victorians love our native animals and want to see them thrive in the wild.”

“It is an absolute privilege to observe the Platypus within their home – this experience you can only have here in Victoria.”

Quote attributable to Zoos Victoria Platypus Specialist Dr Jessica Thomas

“The Platypus Discovery experience allows Healesville Sanctuary visitors to learn how Platypus spend their day as if we weren’t even there, bringing them a step closer to understanding this cryptic creature.”

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