Statement From Wade Noonan

Wednesday 4 October 2017

As Victorian Labor's preselection process for the 2018 State Election is now underway, I wish to announce that I will not be seeking preselection for the seat of Williamstown.

I entered politics because I wanted to help people - to make a difference in the lives of others and to be a voice for those who needed to be heard.  I have fully embraced this opportunity and have worked hard to do all that I could.

After 10 years in public life, I'm satisfied that I've achieved everything that I set for myself. It's now time for new challenges and new opportunities beyond politics.

It's been the greatest honour of my life to serve as the Member for Williamstown, and the Minister for Industry and Employment, Minister for Resources, and previously, Minister for Police and Corrections, particularly during this period of the Andrews Labor Government.

There have been many wonderful highlights during my time, including supporting our paramedics and families to secure a stronger ambulance service, helping save Alcoa in Portland, securing Australia's first worker transfer scheme in the Latrobe Valley, and the rollout of the Jobs Victoria program to assist disadvantaged people into work.

I'm extremely proud of the many investments that have been made in schools, community facilities, roads, public transport and our local hospital in the Williamstown Electorate since 2007.

None of this would have been possible without the extraordinary leadership of Premier Daniel Andrews and the entire Labor team. I thank the Premier and my colleagues for their support and confidence.

I also thank each of my hard-working staff, led by my chief and friend, Bob Stensholt. Their commitment and loyalty has been outstanding.

Finally, I want to thank my wife Julie, and our sons, Will and Henry, who have always been my greatest inspiration.

Given my decision not to contest the next election, I have decided to vacate my Ministerial position, effective immediately.

I remain committed to serving the people of the Williamstown Electorate until November 2018 and helping the re-election of the Andrews Labor Government.