Statement Regarding Tony Abbott's GP Tax

Tuesday 3 March 2015

The Abbott Government says it has backed down on its unfair GP Tax – let’s hope that really is the case.

This tax would hurt Victorian families. It would send an extra 10,000 Victorians to our emergency departments which are already under pressure.

The Abbott Government remains committed to making it more expensive for Victorians to see their GP, refusing to back down on the indexation freeze on the Medicare Benefits Scheme fee.

This will lead to Victorian families being charged more to see a doctor.

If the Abbott Government is really listening to doctors and patients, it would back down on its stubborn determination to rip money out of the Victorian health system.

The Abbott Government has cut funding for our public hospitals and ended vital National Partnership Agreements.

Victorians will face the impact of more than $1 billion in health cuts over the next three years, unless Prime Minister Abbott and Health Minister Sussan Ley open their ears to Victorians' concerns.

This will have a devastating impact on Victoria's hospitals, patients and the community.

This is on top of the $1 billion in cuts by the former Victorian Liberal Government over the last four years which has seen longer emergency department waiting times and elective surgery delays.