Statement From The Premier

Thursday 15 July 2021

We now have new cases, new exposure sites and a strain of this virus that is wildly infectious.

We’ve seen this strain before – and you probably already know what we need to do next. 

Victoria will not wait to act. We know that not much good comes from waiting.

Waiting could see more people infected and the number of exposure sites explode.

If we act now – while we’re right on the heels of this outbreak – we can give ourselves every chance of getting ahead of it.

If we wait – we lose that option.

Which is why, on the advice of Acting Chief Health Officer, Victoria will go into lockdown tonight, meaning there are only five reasons to leave home from 11:59pm on Thursday 15 of July 2021.

That means you can only leave home to get the food and the supplies you need, for exercise for up to two hours and no more than 5kms from your home, for care or caregiving, work or education if you can’t do it from home or to get vaccinated at the nearest possible location.

These restrictions will be in place for five days.

A list of authorised work and workers is available online here – but you all know the drill.

If you were an authorised worker during the last lockdown, you’ll be an authorised worker this time around. Everyone else must work from home.

Last night we announced that face masks must be worn indoors at all times (except at home) and outdoors when it’s not possible to physically distance.

Under today’s announcement, face masks must also be worn outdoors at all times.

We know this outbreak didn’t start here in Victoria. We know that wearing face masks can keep us safe and stop the spread.

So please, follow the rules and wear a face mask at all times.

For those that have returned from a red zone on a permit – you must follow the requirements of your permit.

That means going straight home to quarantine for 14 days and only leaving to get tested.

And we must be clear. Quarantining means staying at home.

If you need help getting the food and supplies you need to quarantine at home – call the coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398.

We are counting on everyone to do the right thing.

For our families, our businesses and our state – stay at home and keep everyone safe.

210715 - Table of Restrictions.pdf
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210715 - Statement From The Premier.pdf
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