Statement From The Premier

Saturday 20 February 2021 at 4:41 am

The Minister for Police and Emergency Services and Minister for Water, Lisa Neville, will take a three month leave of absence from today.

Ms Neville was recently admitted to hospital as a result of complications associated with a previously diagnosed chronic auto-immune disorder, Crohn's disease.

She has received medical advice confirming she will not be able to return to work this week as intended, and will require a period of further treatment and recovery.

During this period, her portfolio responsibilities will be covered through the following acting arrangements:

  • The Hon. Richard Wynne MP will be the acting Minister for Water;
  • The Hon. Danny Pearson will be the acting Minister for Police and Emergency Services (including oversight of COVID-19 Quarantine Victoria); and
  • The Hon. Gayle Tierney MP will act as the duty member for the seat of Bellarine.

On behalf of the Victorian Government, I’d like to extend my warmest wishes to Lisa for her recovery.

She is a highly valued, relentlessly dedicated member of our team. She has our full support in taking the time to focus on her recovery, and we look forward to welcoming her back as soon as her health allows.

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