Statement From The Premier

Monday 15 June 2020

Adem Somyurek’s conduct and commentary are unacceptable and fall well short of the standards I expect.

On this basis, I have recommended to the Governor that Mr Somyurek’s ministerial commission be withdrawn.

The Governor has accepted that advice and Mr Somyurek is no longer a Minister.

Mr Somyurek’s comments are derogatory and offensive and are unacceptable to the Government. His threatening language towards Gabrielle Williams, the Minister for Women, is a disgrace and cannot be tolerated.

The Attorney General has referred the allegations aired on Channel 9’s 60 Minutes on Sunday, 14 June and the articles published by The Age on 14 June 2020 to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission and to Victoria Police for investigation.

I have also written to the National Executive of the Australian Labor Party asking that Mr Somyurek’s membership be terminated.

While the circumstances are far from ideal, I am very pleased to welcome Danny Pearson into the Ministry. He will be sworn in as the Minister for Local Government and Minister for Small Business later today.

Danny was elected as the Member for Essendon in 2014 and has served as the Chair of the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee and most recently as Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier.