Statement From The Premier

Wednesday 9 November 2016

The Minister for Training and Skills, International Education and Corrections, Steve Herbert, has today tendered his resignation.

Mr Herbert has reflected on his position and has decided it is appropriate that he step down and move to the backbench.

Mr Herbert has admitted an error of judgement and he is paying the price for that error.

As Minister for Training and Skills, Mr Herbert has overseen the Government's $350 million TAFE rescue package, driving the turnaround in our TAFE and higher education sectors after years of neglect and funding cuts by the previous Liberal Government.

Under Mr Herbert's stewardship Lilydale TAFE has reopened, while other TAFE facilities have been redeveloped and expanded.

He has had a profound impact on the lives of young Victorians, making sure they get the skills they need for the jobs they want.

Mr Herbert has also undertaken significant reforms to the private training provider sector, leading the nation in exposing and helping punish companies that were exploiting students.

As Victoria's first Minister for International Education, Mr Herbert has overseen a significant increase in the numbers of international students coming to Victoria - a vital and growing industry for our state.

I thank Steve for his service and his contribution to the Government.