Statement On Royal Commission Progress Report

Monday 1 July 2019

The Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants has today provided its Progress Report to the Governor of Victoria. The report highlights the significance and complexity of the Commission's task.

The report outlines the key events that led to the establishment of the Commission, the work it has undertaken to date and how it intends to approach its terms of reference over the coming months.

The Commission is analysing a large volume of material and navigating the need to keep certain information confidential, while also conducting an inquiry that is open to the public to the greatest extent possible.

I want to thank the Commissioner, the Honourable Margaret McMurdo AC, and her team for the work they have done to date.

The Royal Commission was formed to establish the facts and provide assurance this can’t occur again.

The Commission’s final report is due for completion by 1 July 2020.

It would be inappropriate to comment further on the Royal Commission while it’s underway.