- Published:
- Wednesday 29 March 2023
I have received the final report from the municipal monitor into the Horsham Rural City Council.
I acknowledge the extensive work completed by municipal monitor Jude Holt in helping the council transition back to good governance, processes and practices over the past six months.
The findings highlight improvements in Horsham Rural City Council’s performance with the final report recommending no further intervention beyond one recommendation.
Ms Holt recommended the council invest in a Community Leadership Program to support potential candidates at the 2024 local government election – this has been accepted by Horsham Rural City Council.
Thanks to Ms Holt’s work, and the co-operative manner in which the council worked with the monitor, the council is in a position to provide strong, well-informed leadership for the advancement of the community.
The report is available at localgovernment.vic.gov.au/council-governance/independent-reports.