Statement From The Minister For Housing

Saturday 4 July 2020 at 5:06 am

As the Premier has announced, and based on the advice of the Chief Health Officer, today we announced new restrictions for our public housing estates.

It was not a decision taken lightly. But it was taken in the best interests of keeping people safe.

Knowing these buildings and having walked those corridors, I understand acutely the closeness that comes with living in them. These towers rely on common entrances, common walkways and common lifts. Earlier in my life, I worked on the Flemington Estate for seven years.

Although we have 23 cases today, coronavirus could easily and savagely rip through these building and infect thousands and thousands of Victorians.

These high-density high-rise towers are home to some of the most vulnerable in our community. These residents are also some of the most vulnerable to coronavirus.

It’s the reason we need these residents to stay inside their homes and stay safe.

Our most immediate focus was a health response. Now, we move to making sure we provide wraparound support for people who live at these estates.

That includes medical care, mental health supports as well as the basics like food and essentials. Already, we have support staff and social workers onsite to make sure no one is lacking those basic necessities.

We also need people to get tested. Effectively limiting movement, as well as getting a clearer picture with testing and tracing, is the only way we can limit the spread of the virus and prevent a much bigger outbreak.

To those Victorians who live in these estates, we will do everything we can to support you at this very challenging time.

As a government, we spend every day standing by our most vulnerable communities. That doesn’t change today.

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