State Of The Art High Security Unit Opens At Barwon

Thursday 11 August 2016

Minister for Corrections Steve Herbert has officially opened a new state of the art, high-security unit at Barwon Prison in Lara.

The 40-bed Olearia unit will accommodate prisoners who pose the greatest security and safety risk, or who need to be separated from the mainstream prisoner population for their own protection.

The new facility has created more than 50 new jobs for locals – including 42 custodial staff to be permanently employed, providing around-the-clock security and supervision.

The unit includes dedicated interview rooms, visit and program areas, medical facilities and observation cells, as well as the most technologically advanced security systems.

It builds on the Victorian prison system’s ability to meet the challenges of a complex prisoner population.

High-security units are responsible for some of the state’s most hard to manage prisoners, including gang members and prisoners who are violent towards staff and other prisoners.

Barwon Prison now operates three high-security units, as well as the Banksia Management Unit.

Barwon is one of five maximum-security prisons in Victoria, and is the only one located outside Melbourne.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Corrections Steve Herbert

“The Andrews Labor Government is investing in our corrections system to ensure it protects the community and to make sure it provides a safe environment for staff and prisoners.”

“Barwon Prison’s new high-security unit will build on the excellent work Corrections Victoria does to manage and rehabilitate the state’s prison population.”