Standing With Victoria's Chinese Communities

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Iconic Victorian landmarks will be lit up in red and gold and a trade delegation sent to China as part of the Andrews Labor Government’s show of solidarity with Chinese communities.

Premier Daniel Andrews today launched the 休戚与共 campaign (“Stronger Together”) to combat some of the challenges arising from the COVID-19 outbreak and to urge Victorians to come together in support.

As part of the push, some of Victoria’s most important buildings – including the Arts Centre, the NGV, the Melbourne Museum, Melbourne Town Hall and Flinders Street Station – will be lit up in red and gold as a symbol of solidarity with Chinese Victorians on Friday.

A number of economic roundtables will bring Chinese community leaders together to share ideas on how to revitalise local businesses and boost trade, with the outbreak already having a significant impact on the hospitality, tourism and international education sectors.

The Labor Government intends to lead a delegation of 100 Victorian businesses to China to further strengthen trade relations.

At home, the Government will also host a dinner for the Chinese community – including diplomatic, business and student leaders – paying tribute to the contributions our Chinese communities make to our state every day.

The same stories of contribution will be featured across a number of Government digital platforms, sharing with more Victorians the profound role our Chinese communities have played in shaping our state and our nation.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“We have a long history of standing by our Chinese communities – and that’s what we need to be doing right now.”

“We are with you during this challenging time – today, and every day, we are stronger together.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Richard Wynne

“As Victorians, we know the only way to respond is with compassion and consideration for each other.”

“To every member of our Chinese community – please know, we stand with you.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Minister for Jobs, Innovation and Trade Martin Pakula

“Our partnership with China has helped make our state stronger and more successful.”

While our trade, tourism and education engagement is crucial, what matters more are the people to people relationships, and at this difficult time, it’s the people of China we are thinking of.”