Speaking Up Against Workplace Violence

Thursday 23 September 2021

The Andrews Labor Government is backing a WorkSafe campaign reminding Victorians that work-related violence and aggression is never ok, and ensuring employers are aware of their occupational health and safety obligations.

The campaign returns to screens after a successful first run and follows reports of our retail workers and vaccination staff facing aggression from members of the public.

Violence can happen to workers in any workplace but is a particular concern for our frontline workers in healthcare, retail, hospitality, education and the transport industry.

Just as the community benefits from their work, Victorians need to be there for them. It doesn’t matter if it is a nurse, bus driver or someone who serves you across the counter – violence and abuse is never ‘just part of the job.’

Campaign tracking data shows that half of Victorians are now aware of the central message, with awareness and understanding of the issue highest amongst employers.

Employers who saw the ads were also more likely to acknowledge that it is their responsibility to protect their workers from all forms of violence.

Work-related violence can cause severe distress and mental injuries to those who witness it but many incidents still go unreported. Workers who saw the campaign said they would be more likely to report incidents than those who didn’t.

The campaign builds on previous campaigns that have focused on violence towards healthcare workers and aims to send a clear message to the Victorian community that everyone deserves to be treated with respect while at work.

WorkSafe’s campaign is running across major television, radio, online and print media. For more information visit worksafe.vic.gov.au/itsneverok.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Workplace Safety Ingrid Stitt

“No one deserves to be abused for doing their job. These are stressful times, but I urge Victorians to take a moment, not take it out on our frontline workers.”

“This campaign makes it clear that this behaviour is unacceptable and provides guidance on what employers can do to prevent it.”

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