Social Cohesion Strengthened In Moreland

Monday 23 March 2015

The Andrews Labor Government has invested $40,000 towards locally-designed social cohesion initiatives in the City of Moreland.

These initiatives will be delivered by Fawkner Community House, in partnership with Moreland City Council, Merri Community Health and other local organisations.

The grant will support the delivery of:

  • bystander intervention training to build the capability of local community members to act should they experience or observe racial or religious vilification in their community, workplace, or on public transport;
  • a welcome network for new arrivals which will build social connections and raise awareness of community services, as well as increase understanding between existing resident groups and new arrivals; and
  • mentoring and learning programs which leverage the local knowledge, skills and expertise of local residents and employers in order to facilitate better employment outcomes for local residents.

The Labor Government has pledged a total of $500,000 for programs like this around Victoria, in order to strengthen social cohesion in a number of local government areas across the state.

Funding will increase the participation of a broad range of community members in their local community; build new connections between Victorians of different backgrounds; increase understanding and appreciation of diversity and strengthen community resilience.  

Quotes from Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Robin Scott

“The City of Moreland is an extremely diverse region.  These initiatives leverage existing strengths, skills and expertise within the community to ensure that Fawkner and surrounds remain safe and welcoming for all.”

“Multiculturalism is one of Victoria’s strongest assets, and we can all be proud of our cultural diversity.”

 “There is a long-standing bipartisan and state-wide commitment to multiculturalism in Victoria, which places us in a strong position to respond to and overcome challenges to our social cohesion.”