Young Leaders To Live, Learn And Explore Indonesia

Thursday 19 July 2018

Victorian students will soon have the opportunity to travel to Indonesia for an immersion experience that will prepare them to live and work as future leaders on a global scale, thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Education James Merlino today announced the successful Victorian Young Leaders to China Program would be expanded to Indonesia, giving 40 Victorian Year 9 students and five teachers the opportunity to travel to Yogyakarta in 2019.

The Victorian Young Leaders to Indonesia Pilot Program aims to increase students’ Indonesian language proficiency while developing their intercultural understanding and leadership skills.

Students taking part in the program will experience Indonesian culture by attending a local school and visiting historical attractions.

In addition to providing students with a valuable learning experience, the program also strengthens cultural ties with one of Australia’s most important strategic partners and closest Asian neighbour.

The program is a key pillar of the Memorandum of Understanding signed last year between Premier Daniel Andrews and the Sultan of Yogyakarta, His Excellency Hamengku Buwono X.

The Andrews Labor Government is also piloting a two-year Victorian Young Leaders to India program which will see up to 80 Victorian secondary students and 10 teachers travel to India for a cultural immersion program as part of the recently launched Victoria’s India Strategy: Our Shared Future.

The Victorian Young Leaders Program helps students achieve Education State targets for critical and creative thinking and strengthens their engagement in education.

Quote attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“In Victoria, we have prioritised education because it sits at the heart of our state’s future social, economic and global success and an important part of any quality education is learning about the world around you.”

Quote attributable to Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education Judith Graley

“The Victorian Young Leaders to Indonesia Pilot Program will play an important part in the Victoria–Indonesia relationship and contributes to developing a generation of young Victorians with a deep understanding of our closest neighbour.”