Water Returns To Green Lake

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Water has started to flow back to Green Lake for the first time in years, thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Water Lisa Neville today visited Green Lake for the start of water pumping back into the lake for the first time in a decade and mark the completion of the Bringing Water Back to Green Lake project.

Last October the Labor Government announced $2 million for the project – to repair the lake bed, reduce water seepage issues and enable water to be delivered.

The project, which built a new clay layer at the base of the lake, was completed last month. Water delivery has now started and the lake will slowly fill over the coming months.

Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water will fill the lake to capacity, enabling people to kayak, picnic near the water and enjoy the lake into the future.

In April 2016, the Labor Government funded a $72,000 business case under the Community Sport and Recreation Program as a part of the Drought Support Fund to provide a solution to seepage issues at Green Lake.

It forms part of the Labor Government’s state-wide water plan, Water for Victoria, which acknowledges the significant social, cultural and economic benefits our waterways provide.

This community-led project is being delivered by Grampians Wimmera Mallee, Buloke Shire, the Green Lake Committee of Management and the Barenji Gadjin Land Council.

The Labor Government today announced that the project had come in roughly $200,000 under budget, this will be used on amenities and infrastructure to further enhance the community’s use of the lake.

Minister Neville has asked GWMWater to work with the community on the best projects to suit the needs of locals and visitors to the area.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Water Lisa Neville

“We’ve listened to the local community and we’re proud to deliver water to Green Lake, to ensure people can come and enjoy this beautiful lake for years to come.”

"We know the importance of recreational water to regional economies, and for the health and wellbeing of communities.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Mark Gepp

“Green Lake is an important recreational hub for locals and visitors to Western Victoria – it’s fantastic to see water being returned to the iconic lake to benefit the Sea Lake community.”

Quote attributable to GWMWater Chairman Peter Vogel

“We’re proud to have been part of this project – the region’s lakes, rivers and weir pools are a significant contributor to the economies of local communities and to regional towns.”