Visitor Survey Results Show Victoria Is Headed In The Right Direction

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Victoria has outperformed key competitors interstate to confirm its status as a leading destination for international visitors.

The latest International Visitor Survey results, released today by Tourism Research Australia, show expenditure by international visitors to Victoria grew 28 per cent in the year ending September 2015 to reach $6.2 billion.

That’s well ahead of expenditure growth rates in Queensland (13.5 per cent) and New South Wales (14.9 per cent), as well as the national average (15.3 per cent).

The data shows visitors from China accounted for 65 per cent of growth in international expenditure – far higher than the national average of 46.2 per cent. The China market spent $2.1 billion in Victoria’s visitor economy in the year ending September 2015.

Expenditure by international tourists in regional Victoria increased by 17.5 per cent to reach $437 million.

The Andrews Labor Government is working hard to grow Victoria’s global appeal as a fabulous tourist destination, and the data shows it’s working. Visitor arrivals from international markets grew by 10.6 per cent – exceeding the national average of 6.6 per cent.

The International Visitor Survey results are great, but we’ll never be complacent, because the Labor Government knows a healthy visitor economy means jobs and growth.

The Government has established Visit Victoria, the state’s bold blueprint for a new era in tourism and major events. The Government is investing an additional $80 million towards securing the major events that bring visitors from all over the world, and $3 million on the most ambitious regional marketing campaign in Victoria’s history.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Tourism and Major Events John Eren

“The latest International Visitor Survey results show Victoria remains a leading destination for international visitors. It’s a sign we’re headed in the right direction.”

“Our international visitors are vital to our economy. They keep our small businesses busy and generate jobs for Victorians, making a stronger state.”

“We’re working hard to grow our visitor economy, because we know it means jobs and growth.”