Victorian Learn Locals Share In $2 Million

Friday 11 March 2016

Thirty-three Victorian Learn Local organisations will share in $2 million of Andrews Labor Government funding thanks to the Adult Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board’s Capacity and Innovation Grants.

Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert announced the latest award recipients at the Adult Community Education Victoria (ACE Vic) Annual General Meeting this afternoon.

Among the 33 successful applicants is the Euroa Community Education Centre which has secured $200,000 to strengthen its support for the community.

This is the eighth round of the Capacity and Innovation Fund which supports projects that strengthen Learn Locals and contributes towards improvements in learner engagement, participation and attainment.

The fund has so far distributed more than $22 million to Victoria’s more than 300 Learn Local Organisations.

Each year, Victoria’s Learn Locals help in excess of 50,000 Victorians develop new skills, return to study, improve their reading, writing and maths, and pursue their goals of getting work or going on to further education.

The Labor Government is transforming Victoria into the Education State through a range of initiatives including:

  • Nearly $2 million of increased funding this year for pre-accredited training through the ACFE Board;
  • A commitment to the ongoing sustainability and success of Learn Local and other community providers made as part of the Government’s Response to the independent VET Funding Review; and
  • A range of initiatives to help young people into training, including the new Reconnect: Engagement and Learning Support program which will provide wrap around support for young, disengaged, early school leavers as they enrol in and complete training.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert

“Pre-accredited training provides disadvantaged learners with opportunities to get off the treadmill of unemployment and back on the footpath to work or further study.

“We’re investing in skills and training and transforming Victorian into the Education State.”

Quotes attributable to ACFE Board Chair Sue Christophers

“This was a highly competitive round with some excellent programs that will really change people’s lives and prepare Victorians to move into further training or into employment.”