Victorian Job Vacancy Growth Outpaces All Other States

Thursday 28 June 2018

Victoria has seen more growth in job vacancies in the past year than any other Australian state and territory.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) confirmed today that the number of vacancies in Victoria climbed by an extraordinary 51.7 per cent during the year – more than double the national average of 24 per cent.

Of the jobs available during the year, 92 per cent were advertised in the private sector – a welcome indicator of the business sector’s expansion and its growing confidence in the Victorian economy.

Victoria now has the fastest growing economy in Australia, having grown by $48 billion in real terms since 2014.

Over the May quarter alone, Victorian job vacancies rose by 8.3 per cent, creating a total of 67,600 job opportunities.

Since the Andrews Labor Government was elected in November 2014, more than 347,000 jobs have been created in Victoria, an increase of almost 12 per cent – more than anywhere else in Australia during the same period.

Today’s data follows yesterday’s ABS figures, which confirmed Victoria’s engineering construction activity leads the nation, jumping by almost 50 per cent in the past 12 months.

The total value of Victoria’s engineering construction activity was $14.7 billion in the year to the March quarter –the highest value on record for the State.

These numbers tell only part of the story, but they all mean jobs – tens of thousands of them.

Quotes attributable to Treasurer Tim Pallas

“We’re investing in health, education and desperately needed road and public transport projects to build a better state for all Victorians.”

“We don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk – the Andrews Labor Government’s strong economic management means more jobs for more Victorians.”