Victorian First Radiotherapy Service to Treat More Cancer Patients, Sooner

Tuesday 31 May 2016

A new Victorian-first radiotherapy machine that will reduce the number of treatments for cancer patients by up to 85 per cent was unveiled today at the Olivia Newton-John (ONJ) Cancer, Wellness and Research Centre.

Minister for Health, Jill Hennessy, officially launched the new state-of-the-art $3 million linear accelerator that features the latest advances in cutting edge technology to better target and treat cancer.

With more precise imaging and radiotherapy treatment that minimises damage to surrounding tissue, the new linear accelerator means significantly better health outcomes for patients, fewer side-affects and a better chance of recovery.

In a Victorian-first, the machine has the ability to take a CT scan 4D showing video of the patient breathing before and during treatment, allowing treatment to be adapted to the slightest changes in patient and organ movement.

And with greater precision to target cancers, it also means fewer treatments for patients and is expected to reduce the number of treatments for cancer patients by up to 85 per cent.

Cancer patients who previously needed 35 radiotherapy sessions can now complete their course in just one to three treatments.

Thanks to this more efficient technology, the ONJ Centre will be also able to treat even more patients and minimise waiting times.

The new machine builds on the incredible work of the ONJ Centre to deliver the very best treatments, wellness programs and complimentary therapies and world leading cancer research all under one roof.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

“Most Victorians have been touched by cancer in some way. This world-class technology will mean the Olivia Newton-John Centre can help more people by treating more cancer patients, sooner.”

“This incredible technology will save lives and make a huge difference to the quality of life of cancer patients undergoing radiation treatment and recovery.”

Quotes attributable to the Member for Ivanhoe Anthony Carbines

“This is another example of the Olivia Newton-John Centre and Victoria leading the way in the fight against cancer, and will mean more local cancer patients can get treatment sooner.”

Quotes attributable the Director of Radiation Oncology Associate Professor Farshad Foroudi

“Currently for many treatments, patients would expect up to 35 treatments to see significant results; with this new machine, we can see results with one to three treatments.”

“This means fewer visits to the hospital, a reduction in side effects and – because fewer treatments are required – we will have more availability to treat more patients.”