Victoria Hits Record Vaccination Rate

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Victorian kids are now better protected against vaccine-preventable diseases with the state hitting the ambitious herd immunity target of 95 per cent – its best immunisation coverage in history.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Minister for Health Jill Hennessy visited the Royal Children’s Hospital today to announce the latest figures from the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register that show 95.3 per cent of five-year-olds are now fully immunised in Victoria.

Since the introduction of the Andrews Labor Government’s tough No Jab No Play laws, there has been a consistent increase in immunisation rates for Victorian children.

Victoria’s immunisation rate has risen from 93 per cent in 2016, and at 95.3 per cent is the third highest rate in Australia behind the smaller jurisdictions of Tasmania and the ACT – across Australia the rate is 94.5 per cent.

The 95 per cent ‘herd immunity’ target is necessary to halt the spread of dangerous and virulent diseases such as measles. High rates of vaccination provide important protection for those who cannot receive vaccines, such as babies who are too young or people who cannot receive vaccines for medical reasons.

The Labor Government takes a strong approach to vaccination – we brought back the free whooping cough vaccination program for mums and dads in 2015, after it was axed by the former Liberal Government, to protect our youngest Victorians from the deadly disease.

These record vaccination rates come as changes to strengthen No Jab No Play laws even further are in the Parliament.

These changes will mean only Immunisation History Statements from the Australian Immunisation Register will be accepted as evidence of immunisation and as evidence of medical exemption to vaccination when enrolling a child in childcare or kindergarten – no other document will be accepted.

This reduces the risk of potentially false vaccination exemptions being written up – which put community health and safety at risk – and will no longer be accepted for enrolment into early childhood facilities. These changes also help simplify the enrolment process for early childhood providers.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“We know the more people who are vaccinated – the greater the protection for everyone. There is no debate. Immunisation is safe, effective and saves lives.”

“These are more than just statistics – this is about protecting our kids from deadly, vaccine-preventable diseases.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

“Despite rogue practitioners still trying to tout misinformation – Victorian parents are listening to science. And that’s great news.”

“Unlike the Liberals who axed the free whooping cough vaccination and cut a billion dollars from our health system, we’re putting the health of our kids and our community first.”