Victoria Against Violence Launched

Wednesday 25 November 2015

The Andrews Labor Government has today launched the first ever Victoria Against Violence campaign with the Clothesline Project on the steps of Victoria’s Parliament.

The Clothesline Project is a global initiative that has been running for 25 years, using the visual display of t-shirts on clotheslines to raise awareness about family violence.

This year, the Clothesline Project will come to the steps of Parliament House, with heartfelt messages inscribed on t-shirts and displayed on clotheslines, telling the stories of real survivors and sending a tangible message about the impact of family violence.

The Clothesline Project marks the start of 16 Days of Activism from 25 November to 10 December, running alongside the United Nation’s globally recognised 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign.

On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the clotheslines will be a public display of support for the victims of family violence and for a community based on equality and respect.

200 of the t-shirts are supplied by Women’s Health in the North, with parliamentarians and visitors alike encouraged to make their own contribution in a public display of the community’s commitment to change.

The Labor Government is urging everyone to join the campaign, ahead of the findings of Australia’s first Royal Commission into family violence that will be delivered next year. Community members and groups are encouraged to visit the Victoria Against Violence website, go online to use materials from the Take Action Kit for their local campaigns, and view the full calendar of events planned across the community.

Other VAV events today on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women are:

  • A photo of MPs at 9:15am on the steps of Parliament
  • Walk Against Family Violence, 1pm- 1.40pm, Federation Square
  • Hume City Council White Ribbon Day with Rosie Batty, 2.45pm-5pm Broadmeadows Town Hall, 1079 Pascoe Vale Rd Broadmeadows

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“Too many have lost their lives as a result of violence. As a state, and as a government, we have a responsibility to address this issue.”

“Joining cities across the world, the Victoria Against Violence campaign sends a clear message – if we want to end family violence, it’s time to unite and change as a community.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Fiona Richardson

“As the state’s first ever Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, I’m proud to be launching the state’s first ever Victoria Against Violence campaign.”

“Every Clothesline Project message comes from the heart. Every word is real. And every one demonstrates the community’s commitment to ending family violence.”