Two New Wind Farms For Victoria

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Two new wind farms will be built in regional Victoria which will bring forward $220 million of new investment and create hundreds of new jobs.

Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio has announced support for two major renewable energy projects, signing contracts with global renewable companies ACCIONA Energy and Windlab for windfarm projects in Mt Gellibrand and Kiata.

Both companies have a strong track record of maximising local benefits from their projects.

The Andrews Labor Government will buy renewable energy certificates for its electricity use direct from new Victorian projects, with the initiative  potentially saving Victoria up to 67 million over 10 years.

It is expected that these new windfarms will generate enough electricity to power 80,000 homes, totalling approximately 100MW of capacity.

Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

“We can build a strong, sustainable renewable energy industry that powers our broader economy, creates well paid jobs and reduces our environmental impact.”

 “We’re proud to be rebuilding much needed confidence in the renewable energy industry following the neglect of Liberal governments at both state and federal levels over recent years.”