Two New Judges Appointed To The County Court

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Attorney-General Martin Pakula today announced the appointment of Aileen Ryan QC and Paul Higham as judges of the County Court.

Ms Ryan has more than 30 years’ legal experience and a wealth of knowledge in commercial law. A professional indemnity insurance law specialist, Ms Ryan was admitted to the Victorian Bar in 1992 and appointed as Queen’s Counsel in 2012.

Ms Ryan has been a member of the Victorian Legal Admissions Committee since 2008, and is also a member of the Commercial Bar Association and the Bar’s Professional Standards Committee.

Ms Ryan replaces Judge Graham Anderson, who recently retired after 19 years as a County Court judge.

Mr Higham began his legal career in the United Kingdom in 1982 and rose to become head of a chambers’ management committee with responsibility for 50 barristers.

He moved to Australia in 2004, was admitted to the Victorian Bar in 2007 and became an Australian citizen in 2008.

He has appeared in a range of complex and high-profile cases on matters including terrorism, rape, attempted murder, taxation fraud and drug importation.

He has been a member of the Victorian Bar’s Equal Opportunity Committee and Sexual Assault Working Committee, and is a registered advocacy trainer who regularly teaches at Monash University.

Mr Higham’s appointment fills a vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Roy Punshon after 14 years as a County Court judge.

Quotes attributable to Attorney-General Martin Pakula

“Ms Ryan and Mr Higham are both highly respected members of Victoria’s legal community and will make excellent additions to the County Court.”

“I thank Judge Anderson and Judge Punshon for their service to the Victorian community.”