Turnbull Set To Leave 56,000 Victorians Out In The Cold

Wednesday 29 March 2017

The Andrews Labor Government has called on Malcolm Turnbull to end the uncertainty for housing and homelessness support in Victoria.

With new data revealing that cuts to the National Affordable Housing Agreement would mean approximately 56,000 Victorians per year would not be able to access homelessness services, and put the social housing system that provides homes for more than 170,000 people at risk.

Currently Victoria uses NAHA funds to:

  • Fund a social housing system of more than 85,000 dwellings, almost 19,000 of which are owned or managed by the community housing sector, which house more than 170,000 Victorians.
  • Help more than 100,000 people through services that address and prevent homelessness.
  • Provide 12,000 bond loans per annum to give people the assistance they need to obtain private rental accommodation.

The Labor Government is also concerned about the Commonwealth’s confirmation that they will not pay indexation for the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness seeing yet again the slow strangling of homelessness services by Malcolm Turnbull.

Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing Martin Foley joined Member for Ivanhoe Anthony Carbines to talk to local residents about the Labor Government’s investment into housing and homelessness.

The Government has invested $14.5 million into maintenance and upgrades to public housing in Banyule since December 2014, and the redevelopment of Bell Bardia and Tarakan estates will provide over 150 new homes, with a 10% increase in public housing.

Within the last year the Government has announced $2.7 billion in housing and homelessness support.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing Martin Foley

“This is yet another case of Malcolm Turnbull robbing Victoria.”

“We need a genuine commitment towards homelessness – we’ve made a record commitment – which isn’t being helped by the Turnbull Government’s cuts to pensions, welfare and people with a disability.”

Quote attributable to Member for Ivanhoe Anthony Carbines

“Since coming to Government, we have made housing and homelessness in the 3081 postcode a priority. We will continue to work with local residents to do more – and we call on the Turnbull Government to work with us.”